
6 ways to bargain creatively with hotels

Shalom, dear! Today we’ll talk about how to squeeze a discount out of hotels heartily and with pleasure. The information deserves a like and repost because we tear it from our hearts.

So, off we go:

  • First, you can simply ASK for a discount. Without a grin, directly, point-blank. Just say: "I would be very grateful if you made a discount." And in 50% of cases they do it.
  • If we like a hotel on Booking,  we find its official website or a point on Google maps and call it directly (skype helps in roaming, calls are ten a penny  there). And we say: "How d`ye do, we liked your hotel. At Booking it costs 60 €, but we are ready to bring 51 now, is it a go?" The probability of success is about 50%, because hotels are not really eager to pay Booking a Draconian commission.
  • Airbnb can also be squeezed for a discount. Instead of booking an attractive hut at the first price, click the "contact the owner" button and scribble him/her a motivation letter on the subject: "I really like your apartment, but I can’t pay the whole amount, because there is a crisis in the country / my large Indian family will starve / mom doesn't allow / come up with your own version. " The owner will re-invoice at a discount. Our success statistics is 100% :)
  • With a personal contact, the likelihood of getting a discount increases significantly. This is especially chic in Southeast Asia, where friendly, humane communication opens all doors.
  • There is a legal way to indicate the desired amount for housing - auction sites with the concept of "state your price" - Priceline, Hotwire. Choose an area and set the amount with which you are ready to part. If the hotel is found, money will be debited from your card immediately. If not, you will have to step on your inner Scrooge and raise rates.
  • If you are a happy owner of an instagram with tens of thousands of subscribers, then use this as a trump card when booking accommodation. And if the number of followers has exceeded 50 thousand, then you are most likely to settle for free in exchange for advertising.

But in general, we are bargaining mainly out of sports interest. Our philosophy is not to save more, but to earn more!

Freemocean is a project of exclusive author's travels under the auspices of Friends & Family, combining people with the same level of values. We sell not just travels, we create metamorphosis and unforgettable impressions.
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